Dedicated to the work of Mercy Ships
A hospital ship - helping the poorest - radio amateur volunteers - supporting a Mercy Ships project
In close cooporation between the DAGOE Foundation and Mercy Ships, 4 Dutch radio amateur will run the 4th DAGOE Mercy Ships Radio DXpedition. This time the team will operate from the Republic of Congo. They will do onboard work of the Hospitalship Africa Mercy from October 6 - 11 and run a radio DXpedition from Malonda Lodge Pointe Noire (not on board of the ship!) between October 12th (afternoon) till October 24th (morning) using the amateur radio callsign TN2MS.
Arie PA3A Marian PD1AEG Ad PA8AD Angelina PA8AN
After the previous projects in Liberia (5L2MS), Benin (TY1MS) and Sierra Leone (9L5MS) the team was very honored and proud to be rewarded in 2012 for their achievements with the Yasme Excellence Award 2012.
First QSL cards were shipped around Christmas, all direct requests will be shipped before new year.
This time the team set the following goals:
All donations and surplus will be used to support the Mercy Ships project.